Renamed the 理查德·惠特科姆运动名人堂 in 2021 to honor Headmaster Emeritus Dick Whitcomb, 名人堂成立于2011年,以纪念运动员, teams, coaches, 以及那些为我们带来认可的支持者们, honor, 并通过他们在体育领域的杰出成就来表彰学校.


The 理查德·惠特科姆运动名人堂 speaks to the importance of competitive athletics at St. Luke’s. Our athletic history includes many national-caliber athletes and teams that won regional titles and state championships or placed in national competition. We also honor coaches and athletic supporters who helped to shape the future athletic pursuits of so many who have played on the Hilltop. 但真正的故事是我们的学者运动员训练, competing, 并在更大的背景下追求卓越. 卢克的学校教育——关于成就和品格的故事, 毅力之类的美德, courage, loyalty, teamwork, and generosity. Together, these stories weave an exciting and enlightening picture of one part of history here at St. Luke’s.

2023 Richard M. 惠特科姆体育名人堂入会仪式

Selection Committee

  • Anthony Bonnanzio '81
  • Camille DeMarco-Havens, 2012届HoF教练
  • Brinley Ehlers, Coach
  • Peter Hanson '57, HoF '14
  • Ed LaBella '76
  • Henry Parmalee '94, HoF '12
  • Kevin Powers '02
  • John Raus '03


Recent Inductees

List of 16 items.

  • 利哈特'50 -足球,曲棍球,篮球,棒球

  • 艾米·汤'06 -足球,篮球,垒球

  • 2012 Varsity Football Team

  • Thomas Riordan '50 -足球,曲棍球,棒球

  • 特洛伊海尼'85 -足球,曲棍球,棒球

  • Rachel Brittenham '09 -足球,篮球,垒球

  • Chris Hanson '09 - Squash

  • Thomas M. 托马斯47 -足球,篮球,棒球

  • Mark Siciliano '79 -篮球,棒球

  • Maxwell Brittenham '06 -篮球,棒球

  • Alyssa Havens '07 -曲棍球,篮球,垒球

  • 埃德伯克'80 -足球,棒球,足球,篮球

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  • Harry W. 厄尔42 -足球,篮球,棒球

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  • Jon Murphy '53 -棒球,足球,篮球

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  • 艾米奥尔森拉德'95 -排球,网球,垒球

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  • 1972 Varsity Football Team

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2014 Inductees

List of 6 items.

  • Alan Ciklin '64

    艾伦·齐克林64年在圣. Luke’s. 一个多才多艺的足球运动员, 在SLS足球队的3年里,艾伦踢过每一个“技能型”位置. His ability, 更重要的是意愿, 他获得了1963年的最有价值球员奖. 在篮球场上,艾伦担任队长,大四时场均得分超过26分. 这些成就固然令人印象深刻,但艾伦真正的闪光点是在棒球场上. 一名投球手兼游击手. 在卢克的学校里,艾伦担任队长,并在大四的时候被评为最有价值球员 .600 for the season. 综合所有这些运动成就,你有一个帕特托马斯奖得主, 以及高级体育奖得主,完全有资格进入体育名人堂.
  • Peter Hanson '57

    彼得·汉森57岁. 从二年级开始,卢克要学11年. 在最初的八年里,彼得的出勤记录是完美的, 从不缺课. 他是篮球三连冠的关键组成部分, 彼得也为棒球场上的成功做出了贡献,作为圣. Luke’s pitching staff. Following graduation, Peter attended Lafayette College where he played basketball for the Leopards his freshman and sophomore years. 除了他的运动成就,彼得一直是一个忠诚和参与校友圣. 自2010年以来,他一直在学校董事会任职.
  • David J. E. Havens

    David J. E. 哈文斯一直是圣. Luke’s faculty since 1981. His 34 year career in Hilltop classrooms has resulted in numerous accolades from his colleagues and peers such as the SLS Excellence in Teaching Award, 康涅狄格环境科学教学优秀奖, 并获得了西屋奖的荣誉奖. 终身学习者和教育家, his pursuit of excellence and personal improvement on the athletic fields and gyms of SLS has helped to define his legacy. Just like in the classroom, Dave has worn many hats including; strength & 体能训练主管,校队教练 & JV & 中学橄榄球,校队女子篮球教练,校队队员 & JV曲棍球教练和一个赛季的校队垒球教练. Such a long coaching career naturally comes with a number of accomplishments along the way highlighted by 12 consecutive FAA tournament appearances with girls basketball and 3 undefeated Middle School football seasons.
  • Debra LaBella '00

    2000年,黛布拉·拉贝拉第一次来到圣. 卢克在1993年秋天六年级时的照片. 四年排球校队运动员, basketball and softball, 黛布拉在毕业前获得了12封大学信. 加上她的12个字母获胜, 大四时,她曾担任三项运动的队长, 在排球比赛中获得了两年的最佳球员称号, All-FAA basketball one year, 还参加了两年的全faa垒球比赛. 他在高中的表现令人印象深刻, 无论是在场上还是场下,他都有着出色的领导才能, culminated in her receipt of the Daniel Ireland Award and Outstanding Female Athlete her senior year. 2000年6月毕业后, Debra attended Syracuse University and graduated with degrees in Elementary Education and History. 她怀着对教育的热爱, 在SLS的许多老师的培养下, 她在哥伦比亚大学获得了教学硕士学位.
  • Maj. Lee Perry Vance '40

    40岁的李·佩里·万斯少校是一名杰出的运动员,也是班上公认的成员. At graduation, 李获得了高级奖学金和忠诚杯, 14年后,他才有幸接受了1954年的墨杜修斯雕像. 1940年从SLS毕业后, 李在二战期间加入了美国海军陆战队,在太平洋战区服役,直到战争结束. 1946年,李从海军陆战队退役,成为一名上尉. He married, fathered two children, 进入约翰霍普金斯大学,在那里他获得了商业学士学位, 打了四年的长曲棍球. 随着朝鲜战争的爆发,李被召回现役. 尽管他已经服役5年了, two young children, and a wife, 李于1951年重新加入海军陆战队. 他被重新任命为少校,并被分配到朝鲜的一个炮兵连. 1952年11月14日,李·佩里·万斯少校死于敌人的炮火. For his duty in Korea, 万斯少校获得了紫心勋章, Combat Action Ribbon, Korean Service Medal, 联合国服务奖章, National Defense Medal, 韩国总统单位, 以及大韩民国战争服役勋章.
  • 2001 Varsity Football Team

    The 2001 Varsity Football Team is the second football team in school history to finish with an undefeated record, and the first to win a regional title in the newly formed New England Prep School Athletic Conference.

2013 Inductees

List of 4 items.

  • Peter Ornousky '76

    76岁的彼得·奥诺斯基曾12次获得圣. Luke's. 青少年忠诚杯和校长奖得主, 彼得每学期在他的学科中都获得优异的成绩. 连续四年入选美国联邦航空局最佳棒球选手, 2年入选全美篮球赛, 和2年的全faa足球选拔, 彼得还获得了斯蒂芬·米勒奖,被认为是圣. 卢克是他的大三学生,也是他的大四学生. After graduation, 彼得就读于萨斯奎哈纳大学,获得了1封橄榄球校队通知书和4封棒球校队通知书.
  • Lauryn Nicasio Soden '01

    劳伦·尼卡西奥·索登(Lauryn Nicasio Soden) 2001年毕业,是四姐妹中最大的一个. 卢克的儿子在三项运动中表现突出:曲棍球、篮球和长曲棍球. 12次获得校队荣誉, 劳伦在大三时是曲棍球队队长, 在她大四的时候担任三支球队的队长, 并获得了4个全faa奖和1个全wnepsa奖,以表彰她在该领域的成就. 在场外,她参加了合唱团,并入选了国家荣誉协会, 这使她在2001年获得了高级碗和年度最佳运动员. 从St毕业后. Luke’s, 劳伦进入米德尔伯里学院,继续她的曲棍球生涯, 带领黑豹队在2003年和2004年两次进入NCAA曲棍球锦标赛决赛, 以及2003年NESCAC锦标赛冠军.
  • Robert S. Salomon '55

    55岁的罗伯特·所罗门在他的高中生涯中曾12次获得校队的荣誉, playing all three sports offered by the School at the time; football, basketball, and baseball. He excelled in all three sports but particularly in football as a bruising fullback and linebacker. 场上场下都是领袖, 鲍勃担任学生会主席, and editor of the Caduceus, lending his personality, organization skills, attention to detail, 还有演唱能力,能写出值得骄傲的年鉴. 从St毕业后. Luke’s, Bob attended Amherst College and worked on Wall Street for over 40 years before returning to the Hilltop as a member of the earliest Boards of Trustees.
  • 2003年女子大学足球队

    而学校在20世纪70年代初成为男女同校的机构, 直到2000年,女子足球项目才开始. 该项目第一年就赢得了两场比赛, 7 in its second, and 12 in its third, for a total of 21 victories. In 2003, the team matched that total on its way to winning the FAA tournament and New England Class C tournament. 这支球队的五名成员在从圣何塞大学毕业后继续在大学打球. Luke’s, and one member of the team still holds the record as the only 100 goal scorer in the School’s history, male or female. 2003赛季的记录令人印象深刻, 但这支球队不仅仅是进球或取得胜利. They were a unit, 一个独立的实体,一起庆祝每一次胜利,一起哀悼每一次失败. 他们被纳入圣坛是再合适不过了. 以同样的方式,在一起.

2012 Inductees

List of 10 items.

  • Camille DeMarco-Havens

    卡米尔·德马科在圣. 卢克看到她在学校扮演了各种各样的角色. Her efforts to promote and drive girls sports in the FAA led her to taking on the mantle of FAA Women’s Division Vice-President and Softball Chairperson. 这是一种只有通过成功才能获得的认可, 卡米尔已经发现很多次了, 16次获得美国联邦航空局和新英格兰地区的冠军. Luke’s.
  • Lindsey Guerrero '98

    林赛·格雷罗98年在她的体育生涯中获得了14封校队信, playing basketball, field hockey and lacrosse. After St. Luke's, 林赛在特拉华大学读本科时在俱乐部打曲棍球, 并在格林威治曲棍球俱乐部和西哈特福德青年曲棍球联盟执教.
  • Richard King '64

    64岁的迪克·金从四年级到十二年级就读于这所学校. 到达高中后, 迪克成了足球的基石, hockey and baseball teams, 包括担任曲棍球队队长, 并获得了球队最有价值球员奖, his senior year. His leadership on the ice was paralleled only by his leadership off it where he served as the class of 1964’s president for their last three years on the Hilltop, an editor of the Caduceus, 也是高中舞会的主席. 尽管取得了这些成就, Dick will still point to the defeats of Darien and New Canaan at Crystal Rink in Norwalk as two of the highlights of his time at St. Luke’s.
  • Gary B. Liska '81

    加里·利斯卡81届在圣. Luke’s. 在秋季校际赛季,他成功地踢了足球和橄榄球, 因为他在足球场上踢得很响,很快就受到了足球教练组的喜爱, 从罗格斯大学的SLS毕业后,他继续踢足球. 在罗格斯大学期间,加里担任球队的下注者和开球专家. 目前,他在罗格斯大学历史上踢球的三个类别中排名前十. 表彰他的成就, 加里被授予道格拉斯·史密斯纪念奖, 每年颁发给学校里最优秀的非奖学金运动员, 并在大四之后获得了四年的追溯性体育奖学金.
  • Rob Murray '99

    罗布·穆雷99年是一个三体育运动员作为大学橄榄球队的一员, 他高中四年都参加过篮球队和棒球队. 篮球队的首发控球后卫, 橄榄球队的首发四分卫, 也是棒球队的首发中外野手, 罗布的出现给他的球队带来了领导能力和冷静的感觉. It was this leadership that helped make him one of the most individually recognized athletes in St. 卢克的历史,获得了12次联邦航空局的荣誉.
  • Henry Parmalee III '94

    Henry Parmalee III '94是两位数的校队冠军, playing varsity football, 篮球和棒球是我高中四年的必修课. 他的运动能力在三项运动中都很明显, 在棒球比赛中获得了四年的全faa荣誉, 还有三年的篮球和足球. 三项运动都当了两年队长, 亨利在大四时获得了帕特·托马斯杯, 在大三和大四时获得斯蒂芬·米勒奖, 大四时获得优秀男运动员奖, 巩固了他作为最伟大运动员之一的地位. Luke’s. After St. Luke’s, Henry went to the University of Connecticut where he was a four-year letterman on the football squad, 也是第一支进入AA级季后赛的哈士奇队的一员.
  • Kim Piersall '86

    Kim Piersall '86是St. Luke’s. 他在户外运动场上表现出色, 在高中的四年里,她一直是曲棍球和垒球队的队长, and was awarded the St. 卢克在大四结束时获得了杰出女运动员奖. 当时圣乔治大学正在发展女子体育运动. 卢克的,在费尔切斯特联盟, Kim helped to elevate the stature of the School and the seriousness with which it now takes its female athletics. Upon graduating from St. 金带着卢克上了乌尔西纳学院,在那里她成为了曲棍球队的首发守门员. 金在1989年和1990年两次获得NCAA三级曲棍球冠军, 以及四个USWLA全美代表队.
  • Pat Raffaele '88

    帕特·拉斐尔(Pat Raffaele)是88岁的学生,他在圣何塞大学就读的六年里,曾是足球、棒球和曲棍球的明星. Luke’s student. 此外,他还一直在圣. 卢克在过去的十九年里. 作为圣何塞大学九个校队的一员. Luke’s, Pat led his Crusader teammates to two FAA baseball titles and was recognized with two All League selections in hockey for his prowess on the ice. His statistics and accomplishments as an athlete are dwarfed by the hundreds of lives he has helped influence as a teacher and coach at St. Luke’s. Since joining the St. Luke’s faculty in 1994, 帕特已经完成了50多个个人足球教练赛季, basketball and softball, 他的同类总是受到赞美和奉承, compassionate, 以及专注的教练风格.
  • John S. White '56

    John S. 怀特'56是一个三体育圣. Luke’s athlete, playing football, 打了三年篮球和棒球, 在高中竞选期间担任足球队和篮球队的队长, 并在大四那年获得了杰出运动员奖. 约翰从圣霍普金斯大学毕业后就读于汉密尔顿学院. Luke’s, 他在汉密尔顿大陆橄榄球队打球吗, 包括学校历史上唯一一支不败的球队. 虽然这一壮举本身就是一个令人印象深刻的后st. Luke’s athletic achievement, 住在麦克莱恩的时候,约翰积极参与了各种青少年体育联盟, Virginia with Marilyn, his wife of 43 years, and his four children. John coached football, basketball, baseball and soccer, 并曾在麦克莱恩少年棒球联盟董事会任职. The volunteer efforts John and Marilyn have undertaken on behalf of Mclean Little League led to their induction to the Mclean Little League Hall of Fame in 2003.
  • Doug Wright '63

    Doug Wright '63, 追随约翰·怀特等名人堂成员的脚步, Pat Thomas, 安迪·惠特科姆是杰出的多项目运动员和领导者. 道格擅长足球、篮球和棒球,在圣. 卢克的校队,高三的时候是三支球队的队长. 他的足球教练和队友, 表彰他在橄榄球场上的领导能力和四分卫的成就, 1963年,他被选为帕特·托马斯足球奖的获得者.

2011 Inductees

List of 10 items.

  • Emil N. Bucci

    Emil N. Bucci’s 32 year St. 卢克的职业生涯见证了他在学校运动史上的许多形成时刻的参与. His success on the athletic fields in the form of 22 titles was matched only by the variety of roles and lives he touched during his time on the Hilltop.
  • Walter Daniel Fuller '82

    Walter Daniel Fuller ‘82 is commonly viewed as the single largest athlete ever to have graced the playing fields of St. Luke’s. Danny was the cornerstone of back-to-back Fairchester Athletic Association title winning football teams in the early 1980s, 以及田纳西州的1AA冠军球队.
  • Matthew Kaishian

    马修·凯世安(Matthew Kaishian)在2011年入选,他是圣公会中任期最长的人之一. Luke’s history. His 41-year career at SLS spanned five decades and allowed Matt to contribute to 32 title winning teams.
  • Patrick Powers '00

    Patrick Powers ‘00 became a 2011 inductee thanks to one of the more memorable hardcourt careers in St. Luke’s history. 他的篮球能力获得了许多奖项, 帕特是史上最佳得分手. Luke’s history, and continued his success at Brown University where he added academic recognitions to his athletic ones.
  • Mike Siganos '74

    迈克尔·西加诺斯(Michael Siganos) 74年毕业,是为数不多的圣. 卢克的校友可以把职业运动员作为工作头衔. A three-sport standout, 迈克在足球场上的能力确实赢得了人们的信任, which took him from hundreds of spectators in New Canaan to tens of thousands at the University of Kentucky.
  • Clifford C. Thomas, Jr. '46

    Clifford C. Thomas, Jr. 46年在圣. 卢克,凭借他的运动能力成为2011年St .的入选者. 卢克的运动名人堂. 一个四项运动的运动员在圣. 在卢克的父亲,克利福德也是一名出色的高尔夫球手和战斗机飞行员.S. Navy.
  • Payne "Pat" Thomas '57

    Payne “Pat” Thomas ‘57 became a 2011 inductee in no small part due to his fearless athleticism and outstanding leadership both on and off the athletic fields. 帕特在三项运动中表现突出,他的初恋是曲棍球,他在圣. 在他大二的时候被一个酒驾司机打断了他的生命.
  • Andrea "Andy" Whitcomb ' 83

    83年的安德里亚·"安迪"·惠特科姆是圣. Luke’s. A three-sport standout, 安迪成功地把她对体育的热爱带到了她在圣. Luke’s, 回到山顶大学教授科学, coach basketball, 启动大学女生长曲棍球项目.
  • Dick Whitcomb

    A 2011 inductee, Dick Whitcomb was honored for his lasting legacy and impact in the history of St. Luke's. 在他41年的教育生涯中,迪克担任过很多职位,包括:历史老师, athletic director, 费尔切斯特运动协会的创始人, director of admissions, dean of students, 大学招生顾问, assistant headmaster, and acting headmaster. 他最为人所知的是为圣. 卢克从1980年起一直担任校长,直到2002年退休.
  • Jennifer Woodward '89

    89年的詹妮弗·伍德沃德(Jennifer Woodward)追随了她之前许多女运动员的脚步, 并利用这些道路点燃了自己在圣. Luke’s. 她在垒球场上的中圈能力使她从圣. 卢克去了普罗维登斯学院,在那里,她作为修士会的一名四年级新生取得了成功.
St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, 5至12年级的CT服务于康涅狄格州和纽约州的35个城镇. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. 卢克的澳门在线威尼斯官方下载建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.